Positivity : You have To And Should Choose

Sunshine With An Extra S
3 min readJul 6, 2021

Now I’m not really very sure about it if this will make sense to everyone.Sometimes it doesn’t. I agree.But my concern is what will one really get by not choosing it?

No eye has ever been blinded by looking at things from a positive perspective.Let’s discuss more and in the end let me know if it made a small amount of sense to you at least.If it did I want you to act accordingly!


You have to choose happy. Because your life is not only yours , it has an impact on others, they want to see you and be happy from within.

How do you justify pushing away everything that can bring happy to you and sit in a corner waiting for some miracle to happen. Remember the story of the boatman , GOD and the tsunami?

You cannot achieve everything in this one life but wherever you are now can you be great full about it and live in the “ present “

Practice mindfulness. Will talk about it more in another write up.

Believe in magic , mystery.Being Practical Is one thing and choosing to be not hopeful is NOT acceptable.

You will hear a lot , people Have to say things ,they will, what you have to do is trust what you feel not what you hear.

When something or someone is trying to trigger you, insult you which in a way irritates your spirit and energy take a deep breath and distract yourself because if not, you will be manipulated.

Let people help you if they are offering. No one will become small.It’s ok to let your guard down in front of people who genuinely care for you.

Everything that will not matter in another 5 years is not worth of your five hour depression.

You are not going to wake up with a heavy heart every morning, things will pass , see the light , believe In it.

Don’t ever speak negatively. About yourself. Words are energy and they cast spells, thats why it is said to be spelling.

I can write a lot but the first step have to be yours, you have to start and believe in the breaking of your dawn. Choose happy. People who cares for you wants you to be taking that step.

One of the least talk about topic is physical touch during this pandemic.As we are bound to cope in isolation. Study says, a warm hug, patting hands on your head, holding hands, leaning on to a shoulder to rest your tired eyes, breathing in the same room , so many things get lost in text!

What do you do when you hear and feel sorrow and depression and uncertainty in someone’s eyes and voice and just the vibe, when you cannot even reach out to them to hold them close and give them a satisfaction that they are not alone. How do you find the fine line between not getting into ones space and making them suffocate And not staying far enough that they feel empty.

Talking about everything that is related to well-being and positivity is extremely important. It breaks my heart to see I can’t do anything but see this never ending pandemic taking over people’s health, mind, hope and everything that shall help one keep going in their Life.

I would end this story with one note , please choose happy, have courage, and don’t be afraid of the unpredictable life, it’s an adventure After all.Let’s take one step at a time.

Choose strength, choose happy.

Love mৎ



Sunshine With An Extra S

To pour my heart out with what matters to me To share my thoughts To uplift you, your wellbeing , I promise, Stay tuned :)